Consulting Services

Environmental Finance Advisory

CapitalFusion Partners (CFP) works closely with clients to advise them on current issues and opportunities in the Environmental Finance
area. We help clients develop strategies to position their business for the financial innovations the new Carbon Finance Markets will create,
including new trading products, financing structures and securitization. Carbon Finance Markets are a powerful building block for financial
technology, sustainable economic progress for developing nations, a cleaner environment and energy security in industrial nations.

CapitalFusion Partners works closely with clients, project sponsors and debt / equity providers to create innovative bespoke financing
structures including developing potential securitization structures within the Alternative and Renewable Energy, Commercial Real Estate and
Fixed Income sectors.

Structuring and Recapitalization

CapitalFusion Partners offers its clients services in diverse range of projects, including Alternative and Renewable Energy, Commercial Real
Estate and Fixed Income.

Structured Finance Advisory

CapitalFusion Partners works closely with investors within the Structured Finance areas of ABS securities, RMBS, CMBS, CLO, CDO and
Distressed Fixed Income sectors. For more details please review our advisory services below:

Structured Finance Brochures

  • Distressed Asset Advisory Brochure
  • Asset Valuation Advisory
  • Counterparty Credit Risk Assessment Advisory
  • Risk Measurement and Management Advisory
  • Asset Management Advisory
  • Portfolio Surveillance Advisory
  • Bespoke Analytics
  • Business Analysis
  • Technology & Systems Solutions

For more details please contact:

Mr. John Joshi
Direct: 818-294-3381

Mr. Malay Bansal
Direct: 201-966-5956